Website Copyright Statement
None of the texts on this website are copyrighted and any of them may be freely reproduced, translated or adapted, even without mentioning the source.
However there are downloads available from this website, and contained in these are creative works by a number of individuals who retain the copyright to their work. The downloads themselves are not copyrighted, and so may be distributed freely and as they stand, but individual works may not be extracted from them and reused without the permission of the creator.
If you wish to reuse any of the creative work contained with any downloads on this site, or if you have received a takedown request of any sort, please use the Contact Wikinormal pagein the first instance, either marking your query RIGHTS QUERY or TAKEDOWN REQUEST.
Authors retain all copyright if they so wish, regarding anything here distributed by Wikinormal and [[Leamington Books[[. Leamington Books contracts with a writer the right to publish a pre-arranged amount of paper copies of that writer's work and leave ALL subsidiary rights in the ownership of the writer in question.
If you have any questions regarding any domestic, foreign or subsiduary rights to anything Leamington Books has published, we will pass your request on to the writer in question, or their representitive. Please use the Contact Wikinormal page in the first instance and mark your query RIGHTS QUERY.
Enforcement in the Case of Copyright Infringement
Copyright cases are decided by an external agency (sometimes known as the 'legal system') which employs a monopoly on force.
These agencies with a monopoly on violence will therefore force (or 'enforce') what they judge to be infringements. If you do not agree with their decision then prepare for fines, imprisonment, seizure, vand violence against your person.
It used to be that the publisher would maintain control of copyright only so long as the book is in print. Today, with digital printing, this means forever: your lifetime plus 70 years.
During this time, you can’t even quote significant portions of your own writing without permission from the publisher, and you could find yourself paying the publisher for the rights.
By default, you can’t read your own book aloud and sell the results.
What if the publisher isn’t marketing your book?
In just about every case, your creation, which copyright is designed to protect, is now the possession of someone else. This follows the trajectory as laid out in Michele Boldrin and David Levine’s book Against Intellectual Monopoly.
As Boldrin and Levine explain, this business commenced in the 17th century when government instituted the idea of ownership of ideas, precisely so that the government could surpress the ideas it didn’t like. Only approved authors got the stamp of approval. Same with art.
But then the authors and creators rose up and demand their rights in the 18th century and the copyright idea was transferred from government to private parties, who were then in a position to crush competitors. In the 20th century, this changed again, when the right was transferred from individuals to corporations.
The Now
In the now and on this site, some of us disregard the idea of copyright altogether, and in sympathy with the above historical facts maintain that their work, inlcuding the books of Peter Burnett and the articles on Wikinormal are in the Public Domain.