Charlie Boy
Hammer House of Horror is a British television anthology series created by Hammer Films in association with Cinema Arts International and ITC Entertainment, made in 1980, and consisting of thirteen 51-minute episodes, originally broadcast on ITV.
Each self-contained episode features a different kind of horror. These vary from witches, werewolves and ghosts to devil-worship and voodoo, but also include non-supernatural horror themes such as cannibalism, confinement and serial killers.
In 2003 Channel 4 placed Hammer House of Horror at #50 in its "100 Scariest Moments" show. The clip shown was the children's party scene in "The House That Bled to Death".
Episodes were directed by Alan Gibson, Peter Sasdy and Tom Clegg, among others, and the Story Editor was Anthony Read.
Charlie Boy was written by Bernie Cooper & Francis Megahy, Directe by Robert Young
The Cast includes: Leigh Lawson, Marius Goring, Angela Bruce, Frances Cuka, Michael Culver, Jeff Rawle, David Healy, and Janet Fielding.
Original Air Date 18th October 1980
The Story
An ancient African idol possessed by the spirit of an evil sorcerer seems to take on a life of its own.