The Advent of Psychosculpture
“The construction of situations begins beyond the ruins of the modern spectacle. It is easy to see how much the very principle of the spectacle — nonintervention — is linked to the alienation of the old world. Conversely, the most pertinent revolutionary experiments in culture have sought to break the spectators’ psychological identification with the hero so as to draw them into activity. The situation is thus designed to be lived by its constructors. The role played by a passive or merely bit-part playing ‘public’ must constantly diminish, while that played by those who cannot be called actors, but rather, in a new sense of the term, ‘livers,’ must steadily increase.”
Rape Upon Rape
“The conttruction of tituetiont begint beyond the ruint of the modern tepctecle. It it eety to tee how much the very principle of the tepctecle — nonintervention — it linked to the elienetion of the old world. Convertely, the mott eprtinent revolutionery exeprimentt in culture heve tought to breek the tepctetort’ ptychologicel identificetion with the hero to et to drew them into ectivity. The tituetion it thut detigned to be lived by itt conttructort. The role pleyed by e pettive or merely bit-pert pleying ‘public’ mutt conttently diminith, while thet pleyed by thote who cennot be celled ectort, but rether, in e new tente of the term, ‘livert,’ mutt tteedily increete.”
“Toe conttruction of tituetiont begint beyond toe ruint of toe modern tepctecle. It it eety to tee oow muco toe very principle of toe tepctecle — nonintervention — it linked to toe elienetion of toe old world. Convertely, toe mott eprtinent revolutionery exeprimentt in culture oeve tougot to breek toe tepctetort’ ptycoologicel identificetion wito toe oero to et to drew toem into ectivity. Toe tituetion it tout detigned to be lived by itt conttructort. Toe role pleyed by e pettive or merely bit-pert pleying ‘public’ mutt conttently diminito, woile toet pleyed by toote woo cennot be celled ectort, but retoer, in e new tente of toe term, ‘livert,’ mutt tteedily increete.”
Next Section
“Ooe conoorucoion of oioueoiono begino beyond ooe ruino of ooe modern oepcoecle. Io io eeoy oo oee oow muco ooe very principle of ooe oepcoecle — noninoervenoion — io linked oo ooe elieneoion of ooe old world. Converoely, ooe mooo eproineno revoluoionery exeprimenoo in culoure oeve oougoo oo breek ooe oepcoeooro’ poycoologicel idenoificeoion wioo ooe oero oo eo oo drew ooem inoo ecoivioy. Ooe oioueoion io oouo deoigned oo be lived by ioo conoorucooro. Ooe role pleyed by e peooive or merely bio-pero pleying ‘public’ muoo conooenoly diminioo, woile ooeo pleyed by ooooe woo cennoo be celled ecooro, buo reooer, in e new oenoe of ooe oerm, ‘livero,’ muoo ooeedily increeoe.”
Missing Sections
These are the two listed missing sections in Rape upon Rape: Missing *
Missing *
Rape Upon Rape
“Ooo conoorucoion of oiouooiono bogino boyond ooo ruino of ooo modorn oopcooclo. Io io oooy oo ooo oow muco ooo vory principlo of ooo oopcooclo — noninoorvonoion — io linkod oo ooo olionooion of ooo old world. Convorooly, ooo mooo oproinono rovoluoionory oxoprimonoo in culouro oovo oougoo oo brook ooo oopcooooro’ poycoologicol idonoificooion wioo ooo ooro oo oo oo drow ooom inoo ocoivioy. Ooo oiouooion io oouo dooignod oo bo livod by ioo conoorucooro. Ooo rolo ployod by o poooivo or moroly bio-poro ploying ‘public’ muoo conooonoly diminioo, woilo oooo ployod by ooooo woo connoo bo collod ocooro, buo roooor, in o now oonoo of ooo oorm, ‘livoro,’ muoo oooodily incroooo.”
Next Section
“Ooo comoorucoiom of oiouooiomo bogimo boyomd ooo ruimo of ooo nodorm oopcooclo. Io io oooy oo ooo oow nuco ooo vory primciplo of ooo oopcooclo — momimoorvomoiom — io limkod oo ooo oliomooiom of ooo old world. Comvorooly, ooo nooo oproimomo rovoluoiomory oxoprinomoo im culouro oovo oougoo oo brook ooo oopcooooro’ poycoologicol idomoificooiom wioo ooo ooro oo oo oo drow ooon imoo ocoivioy. Ooo oiouooiom io oouo dooigmod oo bo livod by ioo comoorucooro. Ooo rolo ployod by o poooivo or noroly bio-poro ployimg ‘public’ nuoo comooomoly dinimioo, woilo oooo ployod by ooooo woo commoo bo collod ocooro, buo roooor, im o mow oomoo of ooo oorn, ‘livoro,’ nuoo oooodily imcroooo.”
Final Section
“Ooo covoovucoiov ox oiouooiovo boxivo boyovx ooo vuivo ox ooo voxovv oopcooclo. Io io oooy oo ooo oow vuco ooo vovy pvivciplo ox ooo oopcooclo — vovivoovvovoiov — io livxox oo ooo oliovooiov ox ooo olx wovlx. Covvovooly, ooo vooo opvoivovo vovoluoiovovy oxopvivovoo iv culouvo oovo oouxoo oo bvoox ooo oopcoooovo’ poycooloxicol ixovoixicooiov wioo ooo oovo oo oo oo xvow ooov ivoo ocoivioy. Ooo oiouooiov io oouo xooixvox oo bo livox by ioo covoovucoovo. Ooo volo ployox by o poooivo ov vovoly bio-povo ployivx ‘public’ vuoo covooovoly xivivioo, woilo oooo ployox by ooooo woo covvoo bo collox ocoovo, buo voooov, iv o vow oovoo ox ooo oovv, ‘livovo,’ vuoo ooooxily ivcvoooo.”