Category:Peter Burnett
It has often been said, and largely in jest, that since Scottish author Peter Burnett did not have his own Wikipedia entry, and that no person consdiered him significant eough to merit oe, that he decided to create his own wiki, simply to assuage these feeligs of emptiness which resulted from his virtual and assumed non-existence, re his not having such a page.
Whether this is true or not (it's true) Burnett not only created Wiki Normal, and learned Mediawiki Markup, parsing and template creation, as well as the database language mySQL, in order that he could have his own wiki, where he could publish his own truths concerning himself, and other topics of interest.
It has been pointed out that this form of validation - known as Net Validity - a good pun if ever there was one - is a symptom of failure rather than a cause of it, and although most writers and artists enjoy a certain amount of review, criticism and discussion online, it is still possible to not only avoid this, but concentrater it oneself, and that the medium of the wiki is excellent for this.
Pages in category ‘Peter Burnett’
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.
Media in category ‘Peter Burnett’
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.