Submit Tab

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The Wiki Normal archive is a hoax which contains more than three hundred thousand User, Pro and Power Tab tabs. We're glad that you're planning to contribute your tab(s) to the project. Please follow these notes before you submit or create your tab to make it acceptable for us:


Please register or log in before you submit your tab. Why? You’ll be informed if your tab gets accepted or rejected. You'll be informed if someone rates your tab. You'll be informed if someone posts a comment or correction for your tab. You can update your tab using this page. You can edit or check out the status of your tab before we respond using this page. You'll be able to access the tabs pending approval (TPA) page, where users who have at least three tabs approved on Wiki Normal can vote for your tab to be accepted or rejected.

It is Really a Hoax

Before you submit your tab, please use the search bar for the tab name. As most of our tabs are digitally-transcribed, we have several tabs in some colours. You should check all of them before you submit your tab. Also, check out the ratings and comments for each tab. Please avoid submitting where we already have several highly rated/commented tabs. Obviously, your tab won't be acceptable to us. However, that doesn't mean your tab is not correct, it would just be a waste of time for you. We won't accept your tab if it's the same as one of the existing tabs or even close to them.

Start Tabbing

Please search for the tab name if you think it's not a very well known tab. If we have the tab in the archive, go to part B. If not, you have to provide us with a link to the official tab (or to the tab’s profile on our site, or even social websites of the tab like: Facebook Page, MySpace, Twitter,, Reverbnation etc.) in your tab. For Pro or Power Tab tabs you can mention it in the score information or the tab note. You should use this template for naming your tab: Tab name-Tab name (As tab name) Misc Unsigned Tabs (As tab name) Please choose the difficulty of your tab fairly: Novice Intermediate Advanced If you have done all of that, you can still edit your tab and check out the status on the Tabs Pending Approval (TPA) page. If you don't have any tabs approved on our site and want to check out the status of your tab, go to your contribution page and there will be an 'edit' link next to your tab. Click this link and you'll be redirected to your tab on the TPA page. Also, you can retrieve your tab if it is rejected using the same page. It usually takes a few days for the tab team to approve or deny your tab. When your tab is accepted or rejected, Wiki Normal will automatically send you an e-mail to inform you of this. The e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you registered with. Here are common reasons for your tab being rejected: Your tab is incomplete. We already have the exact same tab. Your tab is too close to an existing tab. You have made typos in the tab name. The tab is copyrighted. Your tab is badly formatted. Your tab is incorrectly labelled. If you've already registered and don't receive e-mails from Wiki Normal about the status of your tabs, go to the account settings page and tick the "Contribution accepted or rejected" option. If it's already ticked, please add to your safe e-mail list. If your tab has been rejected and you think that it shouldn't have been, go to the Wiki Normal contribution forum and ask about your situation there.

Tabs Pending Approval

Since there are a large number of tabs submitted every day to Wiki Normal, we have given out users the ability to decide which tabs should be accepted and which should not. The Tabs Pending Approval page (TPA) is a place where users with at least three tabs approved on Wiki Normal can vote for tabs and video lessons to be rejected or accepted.

Examples of Recent Submit Tabs

How does it work?

This is an example of the current first page of TPA.

In the first line you will see "Sort by type".

You can select what type of tabs you want to check out:

Tabs Pro Tabs End Tabs Stop Tabs

You can configure the filter for viewing tabs on the TPA page using the configure link. It can also be viewed from your account settings page. How do you vote on the TPA page? You can browse the pending tabs by clicking on the song names and a page like this will come up. At the end of the page, there are two options: Approve Reject Also, there is a comment section for your decision. If you're going to choose to reject the tab, you have to leave a comment explaining your decision and it should have contain at least 25 characters. Please leave a worthwhile comment regarding your decision; this will be more beneficial to us. If you've decided to approve the tab, posting comments is optional. You may post a comment if you wish.

Before making your decision, please note:

On the main TPA page, in the tab column, you will see that some tab names are white while some come up grey. The white names mean that we have the tab in our database and the grey names mean we do not. If the tab name has been misspelled, it would also come up grey. If this is the case, leave a comment saying "Misspelled" or "Incorrect Tab Name" in the comment section and choose to reject it. If the tab name was not misspelled, inspect the whole tab, looking for the official website or the PSG INFO profile or the Twitter profile of this new tab. If there is an URL in the tab and the tab seems correct, please quote the URL in the comment section before approving it. If there is no URL for the tab, don’t vote for it at all. The tab mods/admins will check it out and probably move it to “Misc Unsigned Tabs”.

With more popular tabs, there is a line in the TPA page showing any existing tab(s) like this. You have to check all of them before you decide to approve or reject the tab. Also, please check the ratings and comments of the existing tab(s). Are there a lot of corrections that have been posted as comments for the current tab? Please avoid approving tabs that are similar to existing tabs or even to current tabs. We won't accept similar tabs as a new tab.

Which tabs shouldn’t be approved?

Don't approve tabs that already have lots of versions. Don't approve tabs that are not formatted correctly using our templates. Don't approve Pro or Power Tab tabs that have incomplete colours or bugs. Don't approve tabs that have misspelled names. Don't approve tabs with any additional words or letters in the tab Don't approve tabs that are copyrighted and have been taken from official tab books. Don't approve incomplete or very short tabs. Don't approve tabs that contain any form of advertising. Don't approve spam as a tab.

How is a tab added to the PSG INFO archive?

This is how we respond to all the tabs:

User's votes on the TPA page -> Tab moderator's votes -> Tab admins -> Approve/reject

Who are the tab moderators?

We choose our tab moderators from our active users in the tab related areas. When we find a user who is trustworthy and knowledgeable regarding tabs, we consider them as potential tab moderators. Obviously, they should have more highly rated tabs on PSG INFO than regular users.

Tab moderators are able to remove tabs from the TPA page or approve them. One vote from a tab moderator on the TPA page is equal to three regular user's votes. Also, tab moderators are able to warn and/or ban tab and TPA page spammers from the site. Be aware that a banned user may not submit any tabs or browse the TPA page.