Psychogeographic Investigation

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In the 1950s psychogeography was earnest, modest, miniscule, and made no difference.

It makes me wonder too, why not just tear a page out and say it was an accident or something if anyone asks?

In the 1960s psychogeography was melded to the New Urbanism. Architecture was the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality, of engendering dreams, and the few who knew this had more liberty to express it than they even dreamed of. The years were HALCYON.

First let's be clear that you are unlikely to locate an answer to that question on this site. 

Psychogeography as a word may be nonsense, and psychogeography as it is found today may also be a nonsense. Yes and nonsense breaks rules not by forgetting them, but by following them to the letter. If a definition of psychogeography is to be found it is within the practice of those who call themselves psychogeographers. Hence not on this website, and not today.

FACTS: In 1955, Guy Debord defined Psychogeography as "the study of the precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment, consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behaviour of individuals.”

This definition has stuck, and despite refinements by Michel de Certeau and other individuals, it is all there has ever been. An aspect of play has persisted within psychogeography, and if this trend were to conclude, then the burden of the work already captured under the name of psychogeography could be put to good use developing freer cities. This is the second generation of psychogeography.

Cities have ever been impossible to describe. The mental weight and the density of design imposed by cities has defied the interest of artists, who since time have described nature, and found this simple, easy, poetic and pleasing. Nature has been a kind subject, but cities have been more of a tangle, an impossible constraint on their powers of observation, description and recall.

A field mouse and a river! A mountain! Fair subject matter. An apartment block, an impossibility.

It takes courage to go to sea in a sieve. The city will never achieve the perfection of nature. In nature horizons are wide and clear. However in a city the combination of people, history, architecture, technology, planning, vehicles and commerce set an immediate standard of perfectly proper strangeness . . . .

. . . . which psychogeography acknowledges and explores.

Few mortals realise how many advantages follow from being free from scruples and ready to venture anything.

In this wise psychogeography sees the unseen, empowers the fluke, and transcends scientific explanation.

Psychogeography Psychogeography

Living in Europe and speaking 5 languages isn't that crazy especially since there is a lot of crossover among them.

In the 1970s psychogeography became one of the more better known tools of postmodern geography and one of the hallmarks of postmodern writing on the city.

I od'ed on propofol (a very small amount carefully titrated, I'm not an idiot) and insufflated heroin that I bought off of a Flemish girl in Kortrijk 4 years ago. We went to my friends to get off and I hoped to have intercourse. She was there when I snorted the heroin but when I woke up she had left.

In the 1980s psychogeography became part of the general anti-culture culture-jamming scene in which participants set out to disorient any and all conventions they could find by, for example, trying to get somewhere using the wrong maps to guide them. Beginning in the late 1980s psychogeography was discovered in Britain at least, through literary works that opened up the visionary and occult character of London’s inner being, to wit: Ackroyd’s and Sinclair’s books.

funny how there are fucking losers like you who think new york city is the best place on earth. I went there a couple months ago. I fucking hated it. I probably did more shit in one day then you did your entire two weeks there. fuck that place.

In the 1990s psychogeography “expanded its audience and lost its moorings to the revolutionary and schismatic enclaves of the ultra-Left” — I like that quote. Find it HERE on Oxford Bibliographies.

What's Ibiza like nowadays for partying? A Berlin in the Mediterranean or a place for David Guetta listening douchebags?

In the 2000s psychogeography hit the mainstream with Andrew Hussey and Merlin Coverley leading the pack, packing the lead, aww dude heaps of people reckon they and Will Self now know everything about psychogeography — the rise of Urban Exploaration and the need to post digital photographs on web archives and commercially based websters, further cheapened and diluted the notion of psychogeography — so that by 2009, merely turning up on a concrete slab with a camera made you a psychogeographer.

Including: websites, radio shows, podcasts, wikipedia articles, videos, audio, creepypasta, pictures, maps, games, torrents, direct downloads, books, movie recommendations, game recommendations, and comic recommendations.

This took forever to get everything organized and in an easily readable format. However things still might be a bit out of place.

In the 2010s psychogeography is feathers on the wind, a tourist guide to sewers, and is typified and found in art's odd forays into extreme aesthetics, copyright violation and is almost a de reigeur stop on any art-school or poetic education. Mort.

Go take your meds, world.

Oh wait, you're the type that refuses to admit you have mental issues and thinks everyone ELSE is the problem.